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3 questions for Paulin Leconte from CRC Normandy/North Sea

Each month, find out more about our members in 3 questions! This month, Paulin Leconte, from CRC Normandy/North Sea, answers our questions.

What is your activity?

The Normandy-North Sea Regional Committee for Shellfish Farming is a professional body registered in the Rural and Sea Fishing Code (article L912-6) representing shellfish farming companies between the Mont St Michel and the Belgian border. It is a private structure with a mission of public service.  The CRC Normandy - North Sea proposes, participates or carries out actions concerning among others:

  • the management of the shellfish farming activity on the Public Maritime Domain,
  • the marketing and promotion of shellfish products,
    information for professionals and partners, education and vocational training,
  • social and tax legislation,
  • socio-economic studies and perspectives,
  • scientific and technical research,
  • defending the quality of waters and shellfish products.

Who are your products/services intended for?

All dealers of the Public Maritime Domain, shellfish breeders, must be members of the CRC. Within this framework, the CRC represents and defends the general interests of shellfish production companies.

Why are innovation and research important in your industry?

Shellfish aquaculture is an open-field industry that depends on the nutritional quality and health of the surrounding environment. And the shellfish farming trades and products, vectors of positive identity of a territory, must be in perpetual search of development and optimization in order to respond to societal and market evolutions.

The shellfish farmers of Normandy and the Hauts-de-France also need to be supported by research and innovation in a sustainable economic development logic for the marine culture sectors. In this respect, the Aquimer cluster is a major player in supporting shellfish farming activity, particularly within the framework of the CENOPAC supported by the Normandy Region and the Departments of La Manche and Calvados and in all the actions it carries out in the Normandy and Hauts-de-France regions.

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