Les Paniers de la Mer is a social integration structure that organizes a national supply of seafood products for food aid, processed by social integration employees who have been trained in the fish trade and agri-food industry.

Le Panier de la mer 62 basé à Boulogne/mer est engagé dans le projet européen Interreg 2 mers « FLAVOUR »Le Panier de la Mer 62 based in Boulogne/mer is involved in the European Interreg 2 seas project “FLAVOUR”.

Its goal is to create socially innovative models, to fight against food waste, while creating jobs :

  • To create employment opportunities/skills for employment for people far from the labor market on the issue of managing food surpluses for human consumption,
  • Create systems covering the Haut de France region for the efficient collection of food surpluses and their redistribution to food insecure people,
  • Create new marketable food products from food surpluses and promote the development of these models by supporting the local economy.
5 rue de Verdun 62200 Boulogne-sur-Mer
03 21 33 70 74 http://www.panierdelamer.fr
Contact global
CAZENAVE Sophie, Directrice

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