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3 questions to Michel Franck from ADNucleis

Each month, find out more about our members in 3 questions! This month, Michel Franck from ADNucleis, answers our questions.

What is your area of business?

ADNucleis is a manufacturer of PCR kits for the analysis and research of bacteria, viruses and parasites; PCR technology has been widely recognized thanks to COVID; previously it was an interesting technology but reserved for emergencies or particular problems such as viruses, which are generally difficult to cultivate.

In reality, this technology is destined to replace bacteriology, which is too cumbersome, difficult to automate, and has remained very expensive for a long time.

Today it is a technique that can be automated even for a limited number of analyses, very fast and inexpensive, and generally less expensive than bacteria culture techniques.

Who are your products/services aimed at?

Our kits and automatons are intended for analysis laboratories and any private or public person who wishes to carry out analyses; the obligatory passage by the laboratory is essentially due to the recommendation which recognizes an analysis in human health only if it is carried out by the medical analysis laboratory; but this laboratory does not create the kits, it buys them from the manufacturers, just like for automation.

On the other hand, in animal health, a veterinarian or even a breeder can very well buy the automation and the kits; in research in all fields, including research on seafood, the situation is identical and particularly important.

In agri-food the situation is intermediate and for all seafood products our customers are the fishermen, the producers, and all the intermediaries between the harvesting/production and the consumer.

Why are innovation and research important in your sector of activity?

The demand for kits is very evolving, as evidenced by the Covid variants -each one requires a particular kit- not to mention the constantly evolving demand for the search for new viruses or bacteria; research is very much upstream of the analytical laboratory, and it is not only important for us but also for the preservation of Public Health.

For more information, visit this member's page!


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