The Comité national des pêches maritimes et des élevages marins (CNPMEM) is a professional body bringing together all professional fishermen and marine aquaculturists. It represents and defends their general interests with the national and Community public authorities.

The CNPMEM is a professional body governed by private law and entrusted with public service missions.  Its mission is to represent all French fishermen, to promote the general interests of fishermen, to participate in the responsible management of fisheries, to take part in environmental protection policies, to participate in the implementation of economic and social actions, and to issue opinions on the regulations applicable to crews and employees in the fishing and marine farming industries. It participates in the management of fishery resources in the context of responsible fishing and sustainable development. Thus, the CNPMEM is consulted on regulatory measures for the management of fishery resources (fish, shellfish, marine plants) or adopts its own regulations to regulate certain fisheries. These decisions are then binding on all the professionals concerned.

134 rue Malakoff 75016 Paris
01 72 71 18 00
CARRE Hubert, Directeur général
ANSARI Jarina, Assistante de direction

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